Fellow Qilins,
We are entering an important time of the year for several of you as the Holy Month of Ramadan starts Wednesday, March 22 and runs through Friday, April 21. Ramadan is a challenging time for observant college students, as their study habits and end of semester academic demands often mean late night work and sleeping past sunrise. They are often only able to eat one meal a day causing their daily fast in practice to be longer than sunrise to sunset. The fast requires that they abstain from food and drink often leading to difficulty focusing and working at a high level toward the end of the day.
NYU Shanghai is a nonsectarian institution which follows the NYU policy of supporting members of any religious group in balancing academic requirements with compliance with their religious obligations.
To that end, we have asked that faculty teaching evening classes during this time allow their class a break from five minutes before sunset to ten minutes after sunset. This will enable observant students to break their fast at that time and eat their Iftar meal after class ends. Dried fruits, dates, nuts, and tea will be available in the Academic Resource Center Monday through Thursday for any who wish to partake.
For examinations, we will allow observant students with afternoon or evening exams to request through their advisor taking those exams in the morning. We will follow faculty guidance on whether that means the morning before or the morning following the scheduled test time and the rescheduled exams will be proctored in the ARC.
Please see your advisor if you have any questions about the academic support for Ramadan.
Ramadan Mubarak,
John Robertson
Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
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Come and join Spring 2023 Major Exploration to explore academic interests and your major pathways! We will offer four mixed faculty panels from a variety of majors. Following the panel discussion, you are also invited to stop by the major station(s) to mingle with faculty and student representatives.
- Global China Studies, Humanities, and Social Science
Monday, March 27 | 4-5:30 PM | E403 | RSVP - Business and Economics
Monday, March 27 | 6-7:30 PM | E403 | RSVP - CS, DS, Engineering, and IMA/IMB
Tuesday, March 28 | 4-5:30 PM | S301 | RSVP - Natural Sciences, Neural Science, and Math/Honors Math
Thursday, March 30 | 3-4:30 PM | E403 | RSVP
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Summer Session 2023 Courses
Session I: May 23-June 30 & Session II: July 3-August 11
Do you have plans to stay in Shanghai for the upcoming summer? NYU Shanghai is offering two 6-week in-person summer sessions where you can take up to 8 credits per session. View the summer session courses. Email your plan to your advisor in advance to clear your registration hold. Questions? Contact shanghai.summer@nyu.edu.
Undergrad Research Symposium Application Reminder
All capstone projects, DURF projects, research projects from courses, Dean’s Service Scholars, and other independent research done under faculty guidance at NYU Shanghai are welcome! Each winning group will receive a certificate with a $100 gift card. Any questions? Contact us at shanghai.academicassociates@nyu.edu.
Apply to Be an Academic Peer Advisor!
The application for 2023-2024 Academic Peer Advisors (see the APA job descriptions) is now open! Join the APA group to gain insights on academic procedures, connect with peers, facilitate academic events, and receive training from different offices! Apply now by Monday, March 27!
Nominate a Poet for NYUSH's Poetry Madness Bracket!
To celebrate Poetry Month, the Creative Writing minor is putting together a Poetry Madness bracket! Beginning April 10, the community members will vote on match-ups between 16 poets to determine which poet will be crowned NYUSH's Favorite Poet. Who will the 16 poets be? Submit your nominations by Wednesday, March 29!
Hundred River Review: Call for Submissions!
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Academic Resource Center Workshops
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The Research Process: Writing and Developing Research Questions
Tuesday, March 21 | 5:30-6:30 PM | N208 | RSVP
Come learn more about crafting a strong research question! We will discuss how you can develop a research question and begin using sources to tackle those questions. Whether you have never written a research paper or you want a refresher before a big project, we will seek to equip you with tools for this fundamental aspect of scholarship.
WAI Write-In: Generating Research Questions
Wednesday, March 22 | 5-6 PM | N208 | RSVP
Join the next WAI Write-In! In addition to having a communal workspace, we will discuss how to ask the “right” questions to generate a specific research question. Bubble tea will be offered on a first come, first serve basis.
EAP Workshop Space: Interview Skills
Thursday and Friday, March 23-24 | 5-6:30 PM | EB226
Join this EAP workshop to learn about and practice asking meaningful, effective, and thought-provoking interview questions for your semester-long projects!
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Design Thinking Open House
Tuesday, March 21 | 2-4:30 PM | E403 | RSVP
The Assistant Arts Professor of IMB Yanyue Yuan will host an open house session during her Design Thinking class, featuring a role-play forum on the topic "Do We Need Design Thinking" by the students of her class, followed by a guest talk by Junyi Cai.
DSS Language and Power Capstone Presentation
Wednesday, March 22 | 6-7:45 PM | E303 | RSVP by TODAY, March 20!
Acting Like a Naturalist: Embodied Processes and Hybrid Possibilities
Organized by NYU Shanghai Reads
Thursday, March 23 | 3:15-4:30 PM | Campus South Gate | RSVP by March 21!
Remember GPS? Speaker SeriesTuesday, March 28 | 3:15-4:30 PM | E403 | RSVP
Join this inaugural event held by GPS! Dr. Dongjing Kang from Shanghai Jiao Tong University will share how she uses gender as a lens to study domestic violence in Tibet. Former GPS students, mentored by Dr. Liangliang Zhang, will introduce her work and highlight potential links between the GPS readings on gender and her research.
Engagement Hours with Econ Faculty
Friday, March 31 | 12-1 PM | RSVP for limited seats!
Join Econ faculty for free lunch and discussion on any topic of your interest! This is an opportunity for you to connect with Econ faculty and your peers outside of the classroom. Students from all majors and years are welcome!
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Apply for the Millennium Fellowship: Two Weeks Left!
The United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) and Millennium Campus Network (MCN) proudly present the Millennium Fellowship. This program convenes, challenges, and celebrates bold student leadership advancing the Sustainable Development Goals on campus and in communities. As a Millennium Fellow, you will hone your skills, take concrete action, and earn a certificate of recognition from UNAI and MCN. No cost is required for selected students. Apply by Friday, March 31!
Watson Institute Venture Accelerator
Priority Deadline: May 15 & Final Deadline: July 1
Are you a budding entrepreneur interested in accessing a global network and working with professional mentors? The Watson Institute Venture Accelerator is a 16-week program that begins in-person in Boulder, Colorado and contains a series of virtual training to advance your existing venture work. Apply for the full scholarship!
China Scholarship Council: Graduate School Scholarships
Review the program list (will be updated continuously). We will need to nominate you and require your application materials in order to write the Letter of Support. Contact shanghai.global.awards@nyu.edu, or refer to our prior email, for full information. Submit your materials to us no later than 14 days before your application deadline.
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World LanguagesFrench Apéro HourTuesday, March 21 | 5-6 PM | W629 | RSVP (Welcome all French speakers!)
Velada HispanaWednesday, March 22 | 5-6 PM | W629 | RSVP (Welcome all Spanish speakers!)
Committee for Critical Inquiry Workshop: Exploring Intimate RelationshipsHosted by Danielle Elleman (NYU Student Health Center) and Joyce Renzhong Tan (NYU Office of Global Inclusion, Diversity, and Strategic Innovation)
Friday, March 24 | 9-10:30 PM | Online | RSVP for the Zoom link!
Let’s Talk About: Intimate Relationships
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Poster Printing Services NYU Shanghai offers poster printing services to all community members. The poster printers can print sizes ranging from A5 to A0. If you would like to use this service, contact shanghai.it.help@nyu.edu at least 3 days ahead of the intended usage date.
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Copyright © 2023 NYU Shanghai, All Rights Reserved.
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